Coronavirus (Covid-19) Updates

Sea Cadets has followed Government Covid-19 guidelines closely since the pandemic began. It has meant that guidelines have been made available as each nation has established its own policies.

For all nations the 2020 International Exchange trips and national competitions have been cancelled.

England – Second national lockdown from Thursday 5 November means all face-to-face activities, including courses and training events are cancelled. All cadets will be able to join in Virtual Sea Cadets activities until the lockdown is lifted.

Northern Ireland - The changes to the restrictions do not affect Sea Cadets activity as this is currently restricted to outdoors only and limited to a maximum of 15 people.

Wales - A Circuit/Fire Break will run from 6pm on 23 October to first thing on Monday 9 November. This will affect youth activities and therefore Units in Wales will not be able to undertake any face-to-face activities during that period. The movement restrictions will also mean that cadets and volunteers will not be able to take part in activities elsewhere, whether inside or outside of Wales.

Scotland - The implications for youth work in Tiers 2 and 3 are still not clear, however Sea Cadets activity or units at LIME in Tiers 0 or 1 may continue both inside and outside in accordance with the approvals in place. Sea Cadets face-to-face activity in Tier 4 must stop, with only virtual activity allowed. We are reviewing the information as it is provided by the Scottish Government and YouthLink Scotland and will provide guidance for Sea Cadets activity in Tier 2 and 3 once this becomes clear.

    • Any course fees or deposits that you have paid for your cadet to participate in any of the 2020 international programme, or any of the planned cadet training courses, offshore voyages etc which has been cancelled due to Covid-19 will be refunded and any related travel cancelled. I do ask for your patience with refunds. These may take some weeks given the large number of courses impacted, the reliance for some of this on volunteers and the difficulties of administering with units closed. But rest assured refunds will be made. I am sure your local unit will be in touch to answer any queries you may have and I encourage you to liaise with them over coming days. Please also feel free to contact with any unanswered questions. We will be working over coming days to provide further ongoing support and I will keep you updated regularly. The next few weeks are going to be testing for us all, but the charity and our amazing volunteers will be doing everything to work through this so that we can return to full delivery to our young people as soon as possible.



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Wellbeing for cadets

Wellbeing for cadets

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