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Leading Cadet Badge

Congratulations Leading Cadet Alice

Massive congratulations to Able Cadet Alice who has successfully completed her Leading Cadet board this weekend with flying colours, and is now promoted to Leading Cadet.

Across the Leading Cadet board, candidates are assessed on a number of different aspects of Sea Cadets, including: 

  • A dress inspection
  • A drill assessment, and assessment on instruction of drill
  • Assessment of leadsership through a task
  • Peer Educator - delivering a lesson
  • an Interview

Well done Leading Cadet Alice !!!


Old Jetty

New Jetty Fundraising

Our jetty on the River Arun is in disrepair and must be replaced.

Our cadets opportunities for boating are hampered without access to the River Arun. Please take time to click on the Donate button at the top of this page, or go to our Just Giving page to donate to this worthy cause.

SubLt insignia

Officer Promotion

Congratulations to our Adult Volunteer David Gordon who passed his Officer Development course this weekend and is now promoted to Sub Lieutenant(SCC) David Gordon, RNR. BZ

New Unit website

New Unit website

Welcome to our new look website. It has been redesigned as part of the Sea Cadets image refresh and we hope you enjoy navigating it. Take a look and round and see what you think!

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