


Conwy County Unit has been awarded a Burgee, after a rigorous inspection process by the North Wales District Officer and North West Area Officer. This is the highest efficiency rating that any Sea Cadet Unit can achieve, making the unit one of the top 25% in the whole of the Sea Cadet Corps.

The last time the unit had this level of efficiency was in 1978!


A fantastic achievement, that now needs to be kept up!

Well done to all of the cadets and volunteers for their efforts over the past year.

Royal Naval Parade Success!

Royal Naval Parade Success!

On March the 20th, Conwy County Sea Cadets hosted Commander Mark Irwin RN at their annual Royal Navy Parade. The night was a huge success and the performance of the Cadets was outstanding. Commander Irwin stated, ‘it was a very enjoyable night and the cadets have done their unit, parents and themselves very proud.’ The night consisted of a Colours Routine, Royal Naval Inspection, Drill Display and the Junior Section ‘Parts of a Sailing Boat’ display, (in which the Commander found very entertaining.) The night concluded with an Awards Ceremony in which cadets who had obtained their DofE Bronze and Silver at the end of 2013, were presented (by Commander Irwin) certificates and badges for their achievements. All in all it was a very successful night and the Unit Committee, Staff, Cadets and Parents thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Commander Mark Irwin is coming!

Commander Mark Irwin is coming!

North West Area Officer, Commander Mark Irwin RN is due to come to Conwy County unit to inspect our ship's company and observe a variety of displays put on by cadets.

This is part of the unit's bi-annual inspection by the area officer and will be part of the unit's annual review to determine the unit's efficiency rating for the last year.

Cadets have been working on two displays to show Commander Irwin on the 20th March. Cadets will also be visited by local dignatories; The Unit President, Colonel Wood MBE, Llandudno RNA President, Ship Mate Keith Bradley, Mayor of Conwy, Cllr Sam Cotton, Mayor of Llandudno, Cllr Gary Burchett, Mayor of Colwyn Bay, Cllr Chris Perry.

Commander Irwin will also award last year's Duke of Edinburgh Awards, promotions, enrolments and also other badges and achievements.

New Twitter Page!

New Twitter Page!

The unit has now set up a twitter page, follow us at:

Joint Cadet Venture Abroad!

Joint Cadet Venture Abroad!

Sea Cadets will join Army and Air Cadets from the local area to visit Llandudno's twinned town of Wormhout in France on the first weekend in July 2014 to assist and join in on acts of remembrance to commemorate the beginning of the First World War.

Cadets are fundraising for this event by bag packing and applying to local organisations for funding. The Commanding Officer is looking to source funding from the Armed Forces Community Covenant Grant Scheme and Conwy Community Chest.

10 cadets are being asked to apply in writing to the Commanding Officer to state why they should be able to attend this significant event within the calendar.

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