Well we had hoped for a more normal year , but as we all know we started the year in lockdown and were back to virtual, this time we concetrated on progression for our cadets to the next rank and we had a good virtual turnout
During this time the CO and training officer delivered care packages and I survived lock down 2020 t shirt - this was very greatly recieved by our cadets and meant we could touch base with them as well
We finally came back in May 2021 - just in time for the boating season - we got cadets out in Rowing / Sailing / Power boats and a variety of Kayaks
Cadets gained so many qualifictions on the water - as they were so glad to be back boating
Duke of Edinburgh expeditions came back and on one of the hottest days of the year completed their bronze expedition which resulted in final award of the Bronze award
Cadets gained qualificatons in First Aid / Piping / Meterology Hillwalking / Marine Engineering / Seamanship/ Drill to name just a few
Cadets gained promotions and three became senior cadets with one reaching PO Cdt - our highest ranked cadet and not all get there
We had a visit from our Area Officer and we put on a show case to be proud off, boating . guard first aid
Our Juniors ( 10 to 11) have completed modules , gained promototions and commodores pennants - all whilst having the most fun you can imagine from STEM to Sports to creating
We got back out into the community on parade and at the boatshow
We have had a different but amazing year, our cadets have been brilliant and we are becoming busier than ever now we have 60 cadets
We have our christmas party this week and then two weeks off
Bring on 2022!! - Southampton Sea Cadets are going places
If you would like to see the 1000's of photos of our cadets in action please visit our facebook page ( as we can only post one photoe per post on here)