
Paddlesport Development Day

Paddlesport Development Day

A great day on the water at the Unit today for Paddle Start, Discover and Explore courses

#ironducks #weloveboating #whatwedo

*** Adult Development Update ***

*** Adult Development Update ***

Congratulations to our Commanding Officer for successfully completing the British Canoeing Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Discipline Support Module.

Now to get some boards…..

#ironducks #adultdevelopment #weloveboating



The Unit took part again in the Maidenhead Lions Club Annual Swimarathon on Sunday 04th July at 6pm.

50% of money raised comes directly to the unit and 50% goes to the Maidenhead Lions Club who support multiple charities and good causes in the town.

We had 2 teams of 6 swimming for 50 minutes. 2 lengths of the pool = 50 metres and 1 ‘lap’.

Teams Iron Ducks 1 & 2 achieved 51 and 46 laps respectively




We are delighted to announce that POC Andrew will be representing the Sea Cadets as a Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.

Each year the Lord-Lieutenant appoints senior cadets as Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets – usually one each from the Army Cadet Force, the Sea Cadet Corps and the Air Training Corps and one from the Combined Cadet Force. These cadets support the Lord-Lieutenant - who is the Queen’s representative in the County - in their work during their year of office, accompanying him to royal visits, awards ceremonies, and similar official events.

POC Andrew will therefore attend many events with Berkshire’s Lord Lieutenant - Mr James Puxley.

An excerpt from his citation read:

“Andrew possesses the ultimate ‘Can Do’ attitude and when aligned with his positivity, sociability and strong team spirit, the Sea Cadets are able to utilise these skills in developing other young people too. Given his commitment, confidence, communication skills, turnout and bearing, Petty Officer Cadet Andrew would make an excellent ambassador for the Sea Cadets, as Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet for the County of Berkshire.”

POC Andrew will take up his position at the Berkshire Investiture in October.


#lordlieutenantscadet #proud #ironducks



PO’s Burchett, Hearn and Myles plus AC Harvey have spent the weekend getting qualified as Paddlesport Instructors.

Putting this into perspective, we can now get an additional 32 cadets out on the water in Paddlesport.

This is an amazing achievement for all involved and our thanks go to all who have had a hand in their development.

#proud #development #paddlesport #ironducks

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