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Annual Inspection 2016. We were inspected by...

District Trafalgar Day Parade

Cadets across the County came together to celebrate Trafalgar Day on 16th October 2016. It celebrates the day where Britain triumphed in the Battle of Trafalgar 1805.  Lord Horatio Nelson led the British fleet to victory.  Every year it is celebrated by all cadet units across the country.  The district event this year was held in Stratford upon Avon.


Our girls did us proud

Leamington and Warwick Junior cadet girls crew came third overall in the whole of the Country for the 2016 boating season.  They won district and area competitions and then took part in London Excel national competition in September.  We are so proud of our girls.  Over 404 units took part in this competition.  It is a fantastic result.  T.S Bacchante have a strong pedigree for going through to area and national boating competitions.  Well done girls!



T.S Royalist

Cadets are able to go offshore sailing.  The corps have a brand new sailing ship - T.S Royalist.  Two of our cadets have been on board this year.



We will remember

Remembrance Day.  Cadets pay their respects and think of those who gave their lives for our today.


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