
Rope work practice

Rope work practice

Last Friday at the lake, cadets did some on-shore rope work practice, looking at boating knots and practicing with a heaving line. Cadets practiced the reef knot, bowline, figure of 8 and rolling hitch - all are essential knots to master for boating. 

Transforming TS Cleopatra: £500 donation

Transforming TS Cleopatra: £500 donation

A huge thank you to Leeds based business, Engineering Plastic Supplies Ltd, who have generously donated £500 to our Transforming TS Cleopatra Fund this month. This brings our current donation total to £5,410! 

We still have a long way to go to reach our £175,000 target, but every donation brings us a step closer. 

Transforming TS Cleopatra - Fundraising Campaign

Transforming TS Cleopatra - Fundraising Campaign

At Harrogate Sea Cadets we are embarking on a ambitious fundraising campaign to raise the necessary money to transform our Unit headquarters - TS Cleopatra. The transformation will include:

  • Converting the existing boat shed into robust building and partitioning into three sections: store, specialist marine engineering workshop and new galley.  

  • Moving galley from existing location into new conversion and converting old area into two separate classrooms  

  • Converting existing Heads (toilet) area to include provision for gender neutral toilets and a new, spacious accessible wet room.  

To make it easy to donate, we are on JustGiving and you can read more about us and the campaign there. 



Anchoring drills at the lake

Anchoring drills at the lake

Another great Friday evening at the lake last week. We practised anchoring and weighing anchor - an essential skill for rowers to learn and a key component of rowing qualifications. 

Sailors were also out, honing skills towards their sailing qualifications. 

Fantastic work by all. 


Unit RNP Inspection

Unit RNP Inspection

Last week our Unit, TS Cleopatra, underwent it's annual Royal Naval Parade (RNP) inspection.

The RNP is a chance for the Unit to showcase our cadets hard work to the senior members of staff in our Area. This year our Inspcting Officer was Lt Cdr (SCC) RNR Jenny Avill, who is the Eastern Area Recreaction Officer. 

The inspection included a full colours parade and our Cadets then demonstrated a series of exercises on rowing, camping, band and seamanship, and our Juniors conducted a STEM experiment for the Inspecting Officer. 

Cadet's parents, guardians and family were invited to the event and were able to see the inspection in action and the result of all the hard work our cadet's have put in to prepare for this inspection.

We will get our offical inspection results in due course.  


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