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Scunthorpe cadet is part of winning team

Scunthorpe Sea Cadet Charlotte Seal took part in the 25th annual RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Eric Twiname Championships at Rutland Sailing Club on 7-8 May. This is the pinnacle of the RYA’s Junior racing calendar, and saw young competitors in over 285 boats and windsurfers pit their sailing skills against the best young talents from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Charlotte was the second girl in her class overall and her team, the North Zone, won the team trophy for windsurfing. Charlotte sails in the Bic Techno 7.8m class.

National Drill & Ceremonial Competition 2011

The 2011 competition took place over the weekend of the 6 - 8 May 2011 at HMS Raleigh, Torpoint, Plymouth.  286 cadets and 100 staff took part in the event which included the following classes: Unarmed, Armed, Royal Marines Cadets, Colour Party and Piping.
CEO, Martin Coles and Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Mark Windsor RN were amongst those attending the event and fortunately the weekend’s downpour held off until the end of the competition.
Congratulations to South West Area who were crowned overall winners.

South African adventure for prize winning cadet

South African adventure for prize winning cadet

Congratulations to Charlotte Robinson from Hereford Unit who has won a trip to South Africa as part of CVQO’s Duke of Westminster Award competition. She joins eight other cadets for a three week trip to South Africa. From 20,000 potential nominees, 21 competitors took part in a challenging selection assessment in April. The nine finalists were selected from 300 nominations, from over 20,000 eligible CVQO learners nationwide. These are young people who possess a wide range of skills and abilities and have overcome personal challenges, as well as demonstrating a consistently high level of commitment to their communities and their peers.

Charlotte says, “I have found through applying to university that competition for spaces is high, and I have been accepted into my first choice university of Bristol. Out of the 1764 applicants for my course, only 122 were given an offer. I believe that CVQO has helped me become one of the lucky ones.”

Our Model Cadets

Our Model Cadets

Feb 2011

Sea Cadets from London and Southern Area units had the amazing opportunity of taking part in a Mario Testino photo shoot to celebrate the upcoming Royal Wedding. The picture, taken on location at Syon Park in London, appears in the May edition of Vogue which is out now. The cadets look brilliant! They are pictured here with Mario Testino.

Sea Cadets to take part in official RN...

Sea Cadets will be taking part in the 2011 Peregrine Trophy, The Royal Navy’s prestigious photographic competition. A special category has been created for cadets and it is a chance in a lifetime for them to show off their photographic skills and capture the spirit and ethos of the Sea Cadet Corps- fun, teamwork and adventure.

Each year the RN recognises excellence in photography by hosting the Peregrine Photographic Awards and this year they’ve made a special category just for Sea Cadets. Any serving Sea Cadet aged between 13 and 18 can enter the competition for a chance to win and attend the awards ceremony in July.

We are really grateful to the RN for getting us involved, RN photographers travel all over the globe capturing amazing images of the RN in service and offer a glimpse into the tremendous work they do and the huge range of challenges and opportunities they encounter.

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