
Bexleyheath Armed Forces Day (24/06/17)

Well done to the cadets and staff that supported Armed Forces Day in Bexleyheath. BZ

Flag Raising for Armed Forces Day (19/06/17)

PO Bolton took 5 cadets along to City Hall for the Flag Raising ceremony. The Cadets were fantastic, even more so, as it was an extremely hot day. BZ

London Southern District Regatta (03/06/17)

Awesome clean sweep at the regatta - with all our teams walking away with gold medals. Open girls rowing = 1st place. Open boys rowing = 1st place. Junior boys rowing = 1st place - and last but not least, powerboat handling team = 1st place. BZ

New Forest AT Weekend (19/05/17)

Cadets enjoyed a weekend away with City of London Unit, camping in the New Forest. Lots of qualifications were obtained BZ

Sliding Seat Rowing Instructors (07/05/17)

Congratulations to PO Bolton and SLt Andrews on qualifying as a sliding seat rowing instructors. Now who wants to go out in a yole? They are so much fun!

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