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Who's Who

10 January 2023

Unit Organisation


Commanding Officer                               Sub Lieutenant (SCC) Robert Duncan RNR              

Executive Officer                                     Chief Petty Officer (SCC) Ryan Arthur-Winters

Detachment Commander                       Colour Sergeant (SCC) Terrie L Hamilton

Unit Training Officer                               Petty Officer (SCC) Ryan Arthur-Winters  

Junior Training Officer                           Petty Officer (SCC) Cylina Smith

Instructional Staff                                   Lieutenant (SCC) Bill Mullin RNR

                 Petty Officer (SCC) Craig Shane

                 Petty Officer (SCC) Campbell Douglas

                 Sergeant (SCC) Luis Graham





Unit Management Team


Chairperson                                              Mr Robin Long

Secretary                                                  Mr Greig Douglas

Treasurer                                                  Mrs Michelle Hutchison




District Organisation


District Officer                                         Lieutenant Commander (SCC)Martyn Clark RNR

Assistant District Officer(N)                 Lieutenant Commander (SCC) James Hearl RNR

Assistant District Officer (S)                Lieutenant (SCC) Tom Plummer RNR

District Training Officer                         PO (SCC) Kirtsy McArdle

Assistant District Training Officer       PO (SCC) Kayleigh Witts

District Recreation Officer                    PO (SCC) Andrew Forsyth

Assistant District Training Officer       CPO (SCC) Ryan Arthur-Winters

District Warrant Officer                         Warrant Officer 2 (SCC) Alan Candlish RNR


AC Luke receiving his badge and certificate from the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran.

Unit Update

Since returning to parading after lockdown the Unit has been very busy.  Port Edgar Boating Station, provided us with a new(to us) portacabin and with the help of various agencies we've now replaced the old unusable cabin with 3 new classrooms.  We have also enjoyed meeting lots of new Junior, Sea Cadet and Royal Marine Cadet's who have joined since lockdown restrictions were lifted, we hope that they continue to have fun and learn with us.  Our cadets have achived their goal of rowing 100 miles to raise funds, over the winter we will look to spend their hard earned sponsorship on new power boat equipment, this will help us to deliver more training opportunities.  

  At the start of september we had the pleasure of welcoming the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran, Sheriff Iona McDonald OBE, onboard to present AC Luke with his Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet certificate and badge.

Sponsored Row Update

Sponsored Row Update

Cadets have now completed their 100 miles and are busy collecting their sponsor money. Thank you to all of our supporters who donated via the Crowdfunder page (generating £260) and to the organisations that supported our venture. We also appreciate all of the kind messages and appearances to cheer us on!

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