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Success in River Severn Rowing Challenge!

Success in River Severn Rowing Challenge!

On Saturday 12th October, cadets, volunteers, family and friends gathered at the Victoria Shopping Centre in Central Harrogate for the Sponsored Rowathon. Our goal was to row the equivalent distance of the River Severn—220 miles (354 km)—in just over eight hours. We not only met this target but surpassed it, rowing an impressive 264.1 miles (426 km). 

This event is part of the ongoing Transforming TS Cleopatra Campaign, aimed at raising £175,000 to upgrade our Unit in Harrogate. Participants took turns rowing on machines in 30-minute shifts throughout the day, with many rowing multiple shifts. An early tally reveals that we raised at least £3,400!

A standout moment from the day came from First Cadet Oscar, who completed the 9 am shift before competing in a Junior Sailing Competition, where he took home the winner’s trophy. He then returned to the Victoria Centre to finish the final shift at 5 pm. Bravo Zulu to Oscar for his dedication!  

The event also provided an opportunity for us to engage with the public, sharing information about joining the Sea Cadets as cadets or volunteers. Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Tom Gordon, also popped down to chat and lend his support.  

Our Transforming TS Cleopatra campiagn aims to upgrade our Unit, creating new classroom space, enhanced accessible toilet and shower facilities, and a state-of-the-art marine engineering workshop, where cadets can acquire specialised skills. To support and find out more, donations can be made through the JustGiving page: Transforming TS Cleopatra Campaign

Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with all our fundraising campaign news. 


Joining the cadets: a parent’s story

Joining the cadets: a parent’s story

Cadet parent Alec Kendrick has shared their experience as a parent of a Harrogate Sea Cadet

I didn’t know much about the Sea Cadets when our youngest expressed a desire to join. The request came as a surprise and to be honest my first thoughts were … what an earth is a Sea Cadet Unit doing in Harrogate so far from the Sea! At the end of the first Junior drill night , I turned up and asked in an embarrassed manner if I could watch the parade and see what it was all about. Of course the volunteers (after checking I genuinely had a child at the Unit) were only too pleased for me to stand at the back and see the Unit end of night parade. 

Staying informed

The notice boards outlining the Volunteer structure and who was responsible for what and the various seamanship courses the Cadets could undertake gave a me a sense of the opportunities on offer, as well as an insight into the Naval ethos of team work, structure, and respect. 

So our youngest continued to attend and progress from Junior once a week attendance to twice weekly and then three times a week with Band on Wednesdays. It is a testament to the Sea Cadets and volunteers that despite all the pressures on children’s lives with school and after school activities, our Cadet would look forward to the parade nights. Even during Covid, the activities continued albeit on Zoom with Volunteers conducting Catering Courses and Seamanship Training. The comradery amongst the Cadets continued even during those hard times. 

Cadets have purpose and meaning

Naively I still wasn’t fully aware of the scope of the activities and community events that the Unit was involved in. I just knew our youngest was enjoying it and I could see the structure and parade discipline bring out their confidence whilst making some great pals outside of school. It wasn’t until I saw the Remembrance Service Parade at the Harrogate Cenotaph that I got an inkling of what they do in the community and the great contribution all the Cadets and Volunteers played in that moving service. This naivety was almost my undoing as one day a few years ago the conversation at home turned to attendance in London at “Traff”. Busy with work and dealing with our other children I assumed it would simply be a “Band Camp” and “Traff” was the nickname of a parade/concert. However come the Saturday morning, it dawned on me that “Traff” was a big deal. I didn’t know why it was a big deal but I jumped on the train nevertheless to London and found myself at Trafalgar Square stunned at the size and scale of the Battle of Trafalgar memorial service. I was in awe of the Sea Cadets from around the country coming together in one overall Sea Cadet Band with hundreds of other Cadets marching down the Mall towards Buckingham Palace after the memorial service at Trafalgar Square, delighting thousands of tourists with the spectacle and history.

Participate and support

So, if you are like me, just grateful that your child has discovered the Sea Cadets but you’re not too sure what goes on, please do get in touch with one of the great volunteers and ask plenty of questions. I wish I had! There is plenty of fundraising events for much needed development work for TSS Cleopatra. A Unit that might be a long way from the Sea but carries on the great traditions and ethos of the Navy!

Thanks Alec for sharing your experience!

Raring to row the River Severn *EVENT*

Raring to row the River Severn *EVENT*

On Saturday, 12th October, the Harrogate Sea Cadets will be taking over a space at the Victoria Shopping Centre in the heart of Harrogate. Our mission? To collectively row the length of the River Severn—an impressive 220 miles (354 km)—as part of our fundraising campaign for the refurbishment of our home unit TS Cleopatra.

Cadets, volunteers, family, and friends will be rowing in 30-minute shifts on rowing machines throughout the day, and we’ll be around the Victoria Centre to support and engage with the community. Drop by to cheer on our rowers, learn more about the Harrogate Sea Cadets, and discover how you can get involved, either as a cadet or volunteer.

Many participants will be setting up personal sponsorship pages in the coming weeks, or you can contribute directly through our central Transforming TS Cleopatra donation page on JustGiving.

Stay updated by visiting our website and following us on social media, especially Facebook, for the latest news on the event.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Did you know that Sea Cadets aged 14-24 can use their cadet and volunteer activities to complete their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and gain international recognition for their efforts? There’s significant overlap between the DofE programme and the activities you’ll experience as a Sea Cadet.


Over the August Bank Holiday weekend, several of our dedicated cadets braved the challenging weather to complete their Bronze and Silver awards through hiking expeditions in the stunning Yorkshire Dales. Each team spent the weekend hiking, map reading, and camping—a fantastic achievement that showcases their resilience and teamwork.

Participating in the DofE programme is just one of the many incredible opportunities available to Sea Cadets. We also offer funding to help subsidise the costs of many activities, ensuring that everyone has the chance to participate. Whether it’s sailing, rowing, power boating, offshore voyages, or more, there’s something for every young person to enjoy.

If you’d like to learn more about joining the Sea Cadets, please email us at

We’re always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist with our wide range of activities and to help with the administration of our charity. If you’re interested in making a difference, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Quarterly Newsletter: August 2024

Quarterly Newsletter: August 2024

Our latest Newsletter for August 2024 is now available to read - just click here.

We are aiming to produce a new newsletter each quarter. In the meantime, you can keep up to date with all our news and events via this website and our social media pages. We are most active on Facebook!

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